Digital Marketing Expertise for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Grow Your Brand with a Proven Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing business owner - Ronni - sitting at the counter with her laptop smiling

What role can I play in your marketing strategy?

Your Strategist

Map out a digital strategy that actually grows your business. It could include these channels, or others:

  • Social Platforms and Advertising

  • Google Paid Search

  • Content Marketing, Blogging, and SEO

Your Implementor

Executing the day-to-day work that makes the marketing strategy successful. This could include tasks like:

  • Creating email newsletters or automated campaigns

  • Writing and posting blog articles

  • Updating social platforms

  • Reviewing and reporting website or campaign analytics

Your Expert

Guiding an existing team that is younger or helping to shape a brand new brand or product to come to market. This could include tasks like:

  • Weekly calls to brainstorm or provide feedback on work

  • Product/competitive analysis

  • Website SEO and UX analysis

Your Researcher

Provide support for the important work for growth, but that takes time to get right. This research could be for:

  • New product research

  • Persona/customer information

  • Competitive analysis

  • Keyword analysis and recommendations

Your brand is unique, so your marketing strategy should be too. Together we’ll craft a digital marketing plan that gets you to your goals without compromising your values and mission.

She’s always the consummate professional, and we’ve benefited not only from her extensive experience to help build out and execute our marketing strategy, but also from the care she gives to each and every deliverable. We’ve been nothing but impressed!
— CEO, Owner of Finerly Decor

My Process

Marketing cannot be a paint by numbers approach. It’s a relationship between the brand and the consumer - it’s like making a new friend. You have to get to know one another - ask questions, say the wrong things, make memories and build trust.

My process for learning about your brand and building a strategy is a lot like that too.

  1. We meet to discuss your goals, preferably with a coffee mug in hand.

  2. I craft a unique plan for us to work together based on your existing resources and growth goals.

  3. We fine-tune the strategy, hopefully over another cup of coffee, to ensure your comfortable with the direction and time expectations.

  4. We enter our partnership with clear expectations, having regular meetings, brainstorms and status updates so you know where the plan is and the success of it.

The Blog

A Jolt of Marketing

No one - especially small business owners and entrepreneurs - has time to read long, detailed articles each day. All of our updates are designed to give you a jolt of information in marketing and business to start your day.

We’ll give you the resources to dive in if you are interested (and have the time!).